Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas market

Since I know everyone just wants to see pictures of Sofia I'll keep this brief. This past weekend the three of us went to visit our friends Ben and Charlotte, who live just outside Zurich in a little town called Bremgarten. Interestingly enough Bremgarten recently made the American news for banning asylum seekers from using the municipal pool...

Whatever the political situation may be they certainly host a pleasant Christmas market. We arrived around noon and found Ben and Charlotte working at their friends booth, selling handmade winter apparel. After making plans to head over to their apartment later in the afternoon we wandered around Bremgarten's old town, basking in holiday revelry. For lunch we were able to find the community bingo hall and sat down to a hearty- and inexpensive- meal of pasta.

After getting our fill we again found our friends and walked back to their apartment, where they provided coffee and tiramusu. After a great afternoon and evening of sitting around discussing the upcoming world cup we decided to head home and caught the train back to Zurich.

Santy wears yellow in the Alps

Elves or Sauron's wringwraiths? I'm still not sure.


  1. Ben, she looks a little like you, so the rest is Gina. "Beautiful baby counting her toes..." from a song by.. by... his name escapes me-- I'll have to find it on youtube--here it is-- it's wonderful baby
